Saturday, December 29, 2007

Mom made me do it

The conversation came up yesterday while on one of our many excursions to Thrifttown during one of their monthly sales. It seems that I just haven't kept up on the journaling of my beautiful precocious three year old. My scrapbooks are years behind (actually decades) and despite my best efforts, I am even behind on downloading and sorting new photos onto my computer. It's so easy to get behind on these things. I work 20 hours a week at a "real job." I'm in the middle of a Certificate in Non-Profit Management at Cal State. I work in Sofie's preschool one morning a week, in addition to being the "Health and Safety Coordinator" for the school. I'm in my third year of serving on the Mother's Club Steering Committee, and Rodolfo and I try to keep a small eBay business going all at the same time. So with playgroups, laundry, gymnastics, laundry, swimming lessons, (did I mention laundry?) my time just seems to slip away. Yet I'm almost embarrassed when my mommy friends ask me questions like, "when did she get her first tooth?" or "at what point did she start walking?" I just have to make an educated guess, because, alas, I didn't write any of it down.

So my Mom (aka, Super Grammie) writes me a follow-up email this morning - her friends think she should start a blog about her grandchildren, but she thinks it would be a better idea if I just did my own. "Better late than never" were her exact words. Ok Mom, this one's for you.