Monday, June 16, 2008

Some of Carly's Friends

Carly already has lots of friends! Here are a few who visited during her first two weeks outside of the womb:
Daddy and Sofia were the first people to meet baby Carly!

Auntie Pam was one of the first visitors (with BIG sister Sofia)

Auntie Christine and Olivia came the following day

Olivia and Malcolm were so excited to meet baby Carly!

Auntie Jen meets Carly

Big Cousin Tom gets some assistance from Allison

Auntie Gwendolyn came to the hospital TWICE!

Auntie Melinna pops in for a visit

Auntie Sarah left her kids in the car with hubby for a quick dash up to the maternity ward!

Big Cousin Elizabeth came to our house for a visit

Big Cousin Allison has held many little cousins in her lifetime!

Kala holds Carly at Mommie's two week check-up

Finally, Mommy gets to hold Carly!

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