Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Christmas in January!

Yes, Christmas is over, but don't tell Sofia that! She's spent the last two weeks listening to her Christmas music CD every day, twice a day, before nap and before bed! I can just picture her singing "Holly Jolly Christmas" by the pool come July!

Christmas for us was busy enough without a round of sinus infections and the stomach flu, so we just didn't accomplish everything we wanted to. Sofie didn't mind, however, when Grammie pulled out the Gingerbread House Kit after New Years! Sofie and Grammie worked on this house diligently for two consecutive days and what a masterpiece it was! Here is the completed work of art - the face paint is from an art-project at preschool!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Our Favorite American Idol!

To kick off American Idol's seventh season, we bring you OUR American Idol. And this girl's got talent! Sorry the recording is so dark! :)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Better luck next year Jeff... Oops, I mean Peyton...

It's no secret that Peyton is an awesome quarterback. What IS a big secret is that he secretly leads a double-life. In his other life, his name is Jeff Baker. He's a firefighter in California for the Burlingame Fire Department and happily resides with his wife and four beautiful kids. Unfortunately, they lost today's playoff game against the Chargers. Good luck next year Jeff. I mean Peyton.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Swimming Lessons at the Plunge!

Now that I'm a big girl, I go to swimming lessons WITHOUT my Mommy! My class is called Tiny Tots. Today was my first day of Tiny Tots and here I am with the other kids waiting for the teachers to call us!
This is me getting in the pool. My teacher is helping me!
Mom said it's good that there are only 2 kids per instructor, especially when you're only three years old!
Here I am practicing my back-floats!
The other girl and I took turns doing fun stuff with the teacher like blowing bubbles and jumping way up in the air!

December 2007 - A Retrospective

Happy December guys! Mommy and Daddy took me to pick out a Christmas tree that we're going to bring home and decorate!
Here I am inside the store, looking at Christmas decorations!
Now it's time to decorate the tree! We invited Grammie and Pop over to help.
I hung most of the ornaments this year...
The Mother's Club had a really fun holiday party this year! It was a dance party, and a lot of my friends were there! Here I am playing the maracas!
Here's my friend Wyatt
And here is my friend Grant! I'm good friends with Grant's older brother Anthony! Did I mention that I love babies?
Grammie has a big party every year on the weekend before Christmas. Here's a picture of me and my cousins Allie and Tom in my Grammie's back yard.

On December 21st, Grammie and Mommy took Allie, Tom and I to see the Nutcracker at the San Jose Ballet! Mom said it was the children's performance, which means it only lasts about an hour. We got all dressed up and had a great time!
Mommy says we don't have any pictures of Christmas yet, because we used her new video recorder! See you next year!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

November 2007 - A Retrospective

We kicked off November with Mommy's Birthday! Since I wasn't there, I'll let her tell the story...

Yes, it was my 40th Birthday, and we celebrated with close friends for dinner at Fondue Fred's in Berkeley.
Jamee and Yvette
USF friend PattyMelinna and Steve
There's Jeff! Jen managed to avoid the picture...
Craig and Amy
Tom and Elizabeth

Right after Mommy's birthday, we bought a NEW CAR!

Of course we had to take it on a road trip, so the following weekend, we took the new car to visit Auntie Kathie, Uncle Greg and Cousin Steve!

Here are all the cousins: Sofie, Drew, Allie, Steve, Josh & Tom!
Drew, Sofie and Allie
Drew and AllieTom
The only picture I got of their new dog!
Uncle Greg and Steve!Here we are at the Santa Barbara Zoo!
Allie, Daddy and Sofia!
The anteater!
The Scarlet Macaw!Penguin feeding time!
Beautiful view of the Ocean from the Zoo!
The "real" train was not running on the day we visited, so we rode the coin-operated train instead!
Cute Josh & Drew, all bundled up!

Sofia on the train!
Of course, we had to ride the Merry-Go-Round!Auntie Kathie and Allie!

Just before Thanksgiving, we celebrated William's Second Birthday! Here we are having cake!
Wow, train cupcakes!Don't forget the cookies!

Hello, and Happy Thanksgiving! This year we broke tradition and went out for dinner! Perhaps this will be a new annual Thanksgiving event! We went to Lawry's The Prime Rib in Beverly Hills! Here I am asking what time our reservations are for!

Here's me stretching out on Grandpa Hillen!

This is the only picture we got of baby Willow! She is still in Auntie Claudine's tummy for another couple of months!

Auntie Claudine and Nonna!

It's chow time!

We also visited the Long Beach Aquarium while we were in L.A. Here's Uncle Christopher feeding the Lorikeets!

There was a lot of things to touch! Here I am at the tide pools!

Amazing fish to look at in huge tanks!

Here I am touching more sea life!

Grandpa had to lift me up for this one!

Wow, I had a great time!