Saturday, January 5, 2008

September 2007 - A Retrospective

In September, something REALLY big happened! I started preschool! I go to the Castro Valley Parent Nursery School, which is a co-op. This is my teacher Miss Patty.

And these are ALL my friends! Kara and Corinne:

Joseph and me.Charlotte and Elizabeth:"A ram sam sam, a ram sam sam!"
Sierra and BrookeThe Birthday Badger!
It was my birthday at school! Everyone had Toffuti Cuties with me!
This is Dad's day at school, and this is my Daddy. I love my Daddy!
Ok, enough with all the school stuff! On to other things!

This is Allie and Tom's birthday! Allie's birthday is 5 days before mine, and Tom's is 2 days after mine. All three of us in the same week! WOW!

Here is cousin Katrina:This is Kristen's baby.
Trina and her Dad, John.

Me, trying to figure out this swing!

Here are the boys! Armo, Steve, John, Daddy and Dave.

That's Pop and Kenny's Dad.

Tom enjoying some cake and ice cream!

Mmmm mmmm good!

Allie has cake too!

Tyler, Katrina & William

This is everyone!!!

She loved the towel we gave her!

On September 29th, 2007, I woke up and I was THREE!!!

I came out to the living room, and Mom and Dad had bought me this super cool play kitchen! WOW WEE!!!

So many cabinets!

And a real sink too!

Can I keep it???

But wait! That's not all! I'm having a birthday party at my park! Also known as the Castro Valley Community Center Park! Here is Uncle Christopher helping us set up!

That's me! Playing at my party!

That's my Uncle Jeff holding Drew! Josh was sick that day...

That's my buddy Kotomi!

Cool shades Malcolm!

Here's my Nonna and Baby Emma! I've known her since she was born!

Grandpa Hillen

That's Drew!

That's my big cousin Tom. He'll be FOUR in just two days!

William is enjoying the day!

Mommy's friend Sarah

Tim and Baby Danielle
My new friend David!

Cake time!!!

Here is my Diego cake!

After the party, I opened my gifts at home. Nonna helped!

I'm such a big three year old now!!!

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