Saturday, January 5, 2008

July 2007 - A Retrospective

We kicked off the 4th of July with Uncle Paul and Aunt Anne's annual pot-luck picnic and parade! Here I am at the party. Boy, was it hot!

The food was yummy!

Here I am talking to my Uncle Paul.

Here's my Auntie Madeleine and Pop.

Time to march! The parade gets underway! This will be the first time I walked the entire parade route!

I'm playing the recorder. Mom bought it for me at the .99 cent store!

I think that's an Oboe that Uncle Paul is playing. I could be wrong... after all, I'm only three years old.

Big cousin Tom playing the... coffee can?

Grammie playing the... red wooden thing?

I know that one! That's cousin Elizabeth playing the saxophone!

Every year in July, my family likes to go to the Alameda County Fair! This year, we went twice! The first time was with my playgroup friend Jordan! I miss Jordan because she moved back to her home town in Florida later in the Summer.

We looked at all the animals.

We even watched the 4-H kids sheer a sheep!

And we saw a sheep give birth to a baby! WOW!

My Mom and my Grammie came with us, as well as Jordan's Mom.

We ate corn dogs and corn-on-the-cob!

We rode the Merry-Go-Round!

The second time we went with cousins Jordan and William. We saw a REAL firetruck and the firemen gave us hats and badges! I want to be a firefighter when I grow up, just like Uncle Jeff!

I rode a pony!

And I rode the Ferris Wheel ALL BY MYSELF!!!

Actually, there were a lot of rides that I rode ALL BY MYSELF!!!

Later that month, we went boating at Lake Chabot with my playgroup! Can you believe we have this beautiful lake right in our backyard? Well... about 2 miles from our backyard!

Kotomi and I want to be in the same boat!

And here we are in the boat! I've never been in a boat this small!

And don't forget my Mom!

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