Monday, January 7, 2008

December 2007 - A Retrospective

Happy December guys! Mommy and Daddy took me to pick out a Christmas tree that we're going to bring home and decorate!
Here I am inside the store, looking at Christmas decorations!
Now it's time to decorate the tree! We invited Grammie and Pop over to help.
I hung most of the ornaments this year...
The Mother's Club had a really fun holiday party this year! It was a dance party, and a lot of my friends were there! Here I am playing the maracas!
Here's my friend Wyatt
And here is my friend Grant! I'm good friends with Grant's older brother Anthony! Did I mention that I love babies?
Grammie has a big party every year on the weekend before Christmas. Here's a picture of me and my cousins Allie and Tom in my Grammie's back yard.

On December 21st, Grammie and Mommy took Allie, Tom and I to see the Nutcracker at the San Jose Ballet! Mom said it was the children's performance, which means it only lasts about an hour. We got all dressed up and had a great time!
Mommy says we don't have any pictures of Christmas yet, because we used her new video recorder! See you next year!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Cute! Where's Andrew?